Monday, April 30, 2007

Gasoline from plastic scrap

A liter of gasoline can be obtained from a kilogram of old plastic sachets by applying a technology being developed by the specialists of the Mendeleyev Chemical Engineering University in Russia . The technology focuses on obtaining gasoline mainly from man-caused carbonic wastes – such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate wastes. It is only known that these are grinded wastes of a single production. The technology suggested by V.F. Shvets and his colleagues is based on catalytic thermal treatment of polymeric materials. Its basic stages are as follows: First, the wastes should be grinded (it is not necessary to wash them) and melted down. Then they should be mixed with the catalyst powder and exposed to thermal destruction, (kept for some time in the reactor at a definite temperature and pressure)

For more details please click on the following link

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